Friends of St Andrew's

The Parish Church of St Andrew, Stratton, Cornwall

Our aim: To help preserve and maintain the building and churchyard for future generations

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Report of St Andrew’s Flower Festival - September 2012

“A Moment to Give Thanks”.

This year’s Flower Festival at St. Andrew’s Church, Stratton held on 28, 29 and 30 of September coincided with the traditional time for the celebration of the harvest.
The Festival took the response of gratitude and extended it across a wide variety of themes.
Facing the church door, on a painted screen displayed on the pillar, the title of John Rutter’s poem ‘Look at the World’ invited the visitor to be alert and open as they began their journey around the church.
The joy, pleasure and inspiration of the participants was clear to see from the objects that they had so carefully chosen for their subject. The colour and arrangements of the flowers were used to illustrate the depth and variety of their emotional response.
Each provided moments for the visitor to pause, reflect and consider many rich and varied aspects of life in Stratton. They ranged from appreciation of the countryside, beach and hedgerows, to gratitude for parents and families.
Along with poetry, art and music there was a reminder of how much people give thanks for their local hospital and schools.
Particularly moving was an arrangement by a twelve year old schoolgirl, celebrating the kindness and fresh chance in life that she had found with her foster mother.
Another display featured the unexpected gifts that the journey of getting to know a son with autism can bring. Joys that can pass unrealized unless we take the time to look and see with an open heart.
Inspirational poems by Derek Ward added further insights to many of the arrangements. A verse from one of his poems can perhaps speak for all the people who took part in the festival:
“I can express the faith I feel inside
all my hopes, my heart and soul
the power of all I believe in
that makes me truly whole.”
The Flower Festival weekend was enhanced by a Concert of Folk Music on the Saturday evening with Kath and her Bluegrass Boys and Friggin’ Riggin’. Two hours of songs, music, audience participation and a break to indulge in pasties and cider resulted in a very entertaining evening for the audience of supporters, congregation and many others.
Thanks were due to the performers who gave their services so generously to support the on going work of St Andrew’s in the parish of Stratton.
Special thanks are due to Lyzette Bevan for all her hard work in arranging “A Moment to Give Thanks” and her professional support and expertise with the flowers.
Some of the arrangements at the 2012 Flower Festival