Friends of St Andrew's

The Parish Church of St Andrew, Stratton, Cornwall

Our Mission: to help preserve and maintain the building and churchyard for future generations

St Andrew’s Church, Stratton

Your webmaster is off on holiday again so he has attempted to assemble two months at once. Please note, in particular, that there is no Benefice Service in June, even though it is a five week month.

The Benefice service will be at Poughill: 10am on Sunday 7th July.

There will be no morning service at St Andrew’s that day - but Evensong will be at 6pm as usual.

Services for June 2024

Sunday 2nd 9.30am Morning Worship (Trinity I)

Sunday 2nd 6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Sunday 9th 9.30am Parish Mass (Trinity II)

Sunday 16th 9.30am Morning Worship (Trinity III)

Sunday 23rd 9.30am Parish Mass (Trinity IV)

Sunday 30th 9.30am Morning Worship (Trinity V)

Services for July 2024

Sunday 7th No morning service - see note above

Sunday 7th 6.00pm Evensong (BCP) (Trinity VI)

Sunday 14th 9.30am Parish Mass (Trinity VII)

Sunday 21st 9.30am Morning Worship (Trinity VIII)

Sunday 28th 9.30am Parish Mass (Trinity IX)


There is a said mass at St Andrew’s every Wednesday at 10.30am

preceded by

Christian Meditation at 9.30am

Daily prayers for morning, noon and evening can be downloaded to your phone

or accessed online from the Church of England website ~

(click on the cross below):


When on the Daily Prayer web page you can also click on “MORE OPTIONS” for the traditional (BCP) text